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Trump isn't alone in speaking against immigration 

Mr. Ashbaugh, I don't think you have read the book Hamilton ("None dare call it treason," June 13). President Trump is not the only person in history to speak out against immigration.

Alexander Hamilton was upset about the election of Thomas Jefferson. He claimed the election was stolen and non-U.S. citizens in New York had voted for him. Hamilton, an immigrant himself, stated that "the influx of foreigners" would "change and corrupt the national sprit."

I have not talked to anyone regardless of political affiliation who thinks what is going on at our southern border since President Biden took office is OK.

This border crisis didn't just happen when President Biden was in office, President Biden created it with executive orders. The foundation of our immigration law is that all immigrants legal and illegal be self-sufficient and not receive public assistance. President Biden is providing public assistance in direct violation of our immigration laws.

We are not supposed to catch and release single males into our country, this was only for family units. President Biden is releasing millions of single males into our country in direct violation of this law.

President Biden is committing treason by violating the very laws he was sworn in to uphold.

Also a bipartisan border security bill that provides President Biden with more border processors is not the solution. This is why it was defeated.

It appears to me you are blaming President Trump for everything President Biden created. I would like to remind you President Trump is not in office.

James Dumas


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