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There's more to the environmental story of steelhead 

Concerning your recent article on steelhead and lawsuits by environmental groups ("Fish flop," Aug. 29). I have lived in San Luis Obispo County for 70 years. I have seen populations of steelhead in many streams over the years. Anadromous fish like steelhead and salmon spend portions of their lives in both fresh and salt water. Your article only addresses one half of the story, the fresh water side. There are approximately 200 species of Salmonidae.

It is common for these fish, as they are attempting to enter their streams of origin, to be picked off by top carnivores like sea lions and harbor seals. Those familiar with these fish often observe this at creeks and river mouths. At some rivers in California, it is not uncommon to see fish which have been eviscerated (internal organs removed) and their bodies discarded by seals.

I suggest it is impossible to solve such resource problems with wildlife, as identified in your article, when only one side of the story is discussed. This one-sided approach is unfortunately common with the environmental community.

There are currently an estimated 257,000 sea lions in California and 20,000 harbor seals. These animal and other species of pinnipeds (wing footed animals) consume billions of pounds of fish annually. Historically, pinnipeds were taken by grizzly bears and wolves, which kept them off the mainland. No more. They now occupy mainland habitats instead of just offshore islands and washrocks. This means nothing to environmentalists who just want to pack more and more seals and sea lions along the coast.

Steve Rebuck

San Luis Obispo

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