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The voters would win if A-24 passes 

There appears to be a misunderstanding on who has authority to control the type of development allowed on the properties specified in Measure A-24 ("What would happen to Morro Bay if A-24 passes?" June 13).

The California Coastal Commission certified the Morro Bay General Plan. In the plan, it certified specific uses. If anyone wants to develop a property, then the procedure is follow the land uses designated like "visitor serving commercial."

When Measure A-24 passes, a vote of the citizens would be needed to change the land use of the properties outlined in the measure.

The reason for this is to insulate the city from legal proceedings by Vistra.

In my opinion, if any City Council in the future were to deny a land use change for Vistra to install the battery energy storage site then Vistra may have cause for legal action.

The legal question would be: "Is the city now violating the memorandum of understanding agreement?"

As you must be aware, that agreement was forced upon the city when it needed an easement for a sewer line to complete the wastewater recycling facility in a timely manner.

Neither the state nor the California Energy Commission (CEC) have the authority to grant, approve, or change the land use on these properties. Assembly Bill 205 does grant some authority for permitting the installation of energy-related projects in the state, however the bill clearly outlines that in those areas under the jurisdiction of some agencies, AB 205 does not apply.

One of the agencies is the California Coastal Commission.

So the answer to your question is: "The voters would win!"

Any proposed development on those properties that conforms to the land use approved by the California Coastal Commission will move forward in the normal manner.

Barry Branin

Morro Bay

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