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Shirley Gibson is misinformed about Ecologistics 

I would like to provide a correction to an article that appeared in the July 18 issue of New Times, which contained some misinformation. The article was titled "OCSD receives $25,000 grant for track in Oceano Elementary."

The article contained quotes from OCSD board member Shirley Gibson, who provided inaccurate and false information about Ecologistics Inc., the organization that the OCSD approached for fiscal sponsorship to accomplish its fundraising goals.

Ms. Gibson stated that Ecologistics is a "political entity" and that we have spent money fighting the Dana Reserve and that we have "battled with the Coastal Commission." Ms. Gibson insinuated that Ecologistics is involved with a lawsuit over the Dana Reserve. None of these things is true.

Ecologistics was the fiscal sponsor for Nipomo Action Committee (NAC) when they were organizing citizens in the area to oppose the Dana Reserve. We accepted donations made to NAC and provided those funds to NAC for their expenses. In August of 2023, NAC received its own 501(c)(3) designation and terminated our services. Ecologistics has not and has never been involved in a lawsuit over the Dana Reserve. We also have no idea what Ms. Gibson is talking about when she made the unfounded statement that Ecologistics has battled the Coastal Commission.

Ecologistics is not a political organization. As a nonprofit we have the right to take positions on issues and so do the nonprofits we sponsor. The fee that we charge referenced in the article is very modest for the market and covers our overhead for staff, a fundraising platform for our sponsored organizations, access to grant information, bookkeeping, and other expenses connected with fiscal sponsorship.

Michael Jencks

Ecologistics board chair

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