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re: Confessions of a homophobe 

San Luis Obispo

I would like to thank Otis Page for his enlightening comments concerning the long-term consequences of tolerating homosexuality (“Confession of a homophobe,” Feb. 25). I myself have seen the ill effects of tolerance and acceptance firsthand. I had the misfortune of being born to parents who were committed to a specific “agenda” who made sure I was indoctrinated at a young age to support their views. Before I knew it I was attending weekly “rallies,” listening to propagandistic lectures, and memorizing sections of their manifesto. I had many friends who, because it was legal and accepted by society, began “experimenting” with the church; sadly, some are still weekly attendees.

I was able to break free, but I fear my children may one day be tempted to join this lifestyle, drawn by the lure of communion snacks, not knowing the slippery slope. If only more people could see like Page, that if people are given the liberty of choice, they might actually make their own decisions.  And what kind of world would that be?

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Should cities along the Salinas River build man-made beaver dams?

  • Definitely! They'll help prevent fires and flooding.
  • No—don't mess with nature!
  • Yes, but only until more beavers can make their own dams.
  • It's none of my dam business.

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