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Protect Morro Bay wildlife 

As anyone knows who drives between Los Osos and Morro Bay or visits the state parks and Montaño De Oro, we lose a lot of creatures trying to cross this busy road. With the large expanse on either side, the toll is staggering on the biodiversity of our newly designated marine protected area adjacent to the roadway.

Finally, an opportunity has presented itself to build our own wildlife bridge, which have been proven successful worldwide. There are several opportunities here, and one is to ensure the integrity of the area next to South Bay Boulevard, which has been designated a State Marine Reserve under the Marine Life Protection Act. This area enjoys a "no-take" provision, where killing or disturbing biological resources is strictly prohibited. Such a wildlife crossing would greatly increase the likelihood of our marine protected area meeting the goals set forth in the Marine Life Protection Act.

Another opportunity that has arisen is the ability, as a so-called "energy community," for us to have the much-needed project funded under the Inflation Reduction Act. Another source of funding is the Land and Water Conservation Fund. State Sen. John Laird (D-Santa Cruz) and Congressman Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara) are the subject of a community petition seeking this wildlife crossing to be built, and the timing seems right. There is a new bridge for traffic already in the works, and these goals would meld seamlessly.

Please support this great project for our children, wildlife, and marine reserve in the beautiful Morro Bay Estuary.

Joseph John Racano

Los Osos

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