New Times San Luis Obispo

Get serious about stopping illegal fireworks

Jul 18, 2024 4:00 AM

The traumatic effects from use of illegal fireworks are worse than ever in 5 Cities. It started July 1 and continued daily from morning past midnight. We’ve been battered daily by multiple explosions sounding like mortars set off in metal barrels. I know these acts are illegal, but where are the various law enforcement agencies in stopping this abuse? Where are the creative solutions? 

I read that some cities are now using drones and officers in order to catch, confiscate, and fine the culprits $1,000 per occurrence. Seems like every law enforcement agency could get a great return on investment implementing a focused drone program. This includes State Parks because every year the explosions get worse from the Oceano Dunes campground. Tourists appear totally free to use illegal fireworks on the beach while tormenting locals and pets within earshot. 

It’s time to protect pets, local people, and especially our veterans with PTSD. Let’s finally get serious about stopping use of illegal fireworks.

Ethel Landers

Arroyo Grande