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Editor's note 

As New Times kicks off a new year of covering news and presenting opinions in San Luis Obispo County, I wanted to share with you some of the submissions I received in 2014, but which didn’t make it print for one reason or another. As a rule, I require a full name (a real one; no C. Otter for us, please) and city of residence on each piece published. But here are a few of the letters that didn’t make it. Happy New Year, and may 2015 be one of strong, well-reasoned opinions based in demonstrable facts and presented with heart, passion, and creativity.

Readers Poll

Should cities along the Salinas River build man-made beaver dams?

  • Definitely! They'll help prevent fires and flooding.
  • No—don't mess with nature!
  • Yes, but only until more beavers can make their own dams.
  • It's none of my dam business.

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