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The Beauty Queen Killer: 9 Days of Terror 

click to enlarge PORTRAIT OF A KILLER In the new TV miniseries The Beauty Queen Killer: 9 Days of Terror streaming on Hulu, one of serial killer Chris Wilder's kidnapping victims reveals how she survived. - PHOTO COURTESY OF ABC NEWS AND SK POP
  • Photo Courtesy Of ABC News And SK Pop
  • PORTRAIT OF A KILLER In the new TV miniseries The Beauty Queen Killer: 9 Days of Terror streaming on Hulu, one of serial killer Chris Wilder's kidnapping victims reveals how she survived.

What's it rated? Not rated

When? 2024

Where's it showing? Hulu

Survivor Tina Marie Risico brings audiences into the nine days she spent with serial killer Chris Wilder after he kidnapped her and used her as a ploy to lure other victims. Wilder got away with a lot for a long time. In the days before the internet and global media networks, criminals could solve a lot of problems by simply relocating, and it seems Wilder had that fact in his back pocket.

His M.O. was to go after aspiring models—capturing, torturing, and killing them. Most of these were young and naïve women whose dreams superseded their common sense, but because Wilder was photographing beauty pageants and he had confidence, they too easily fell for his promises of fame.

The series interviews his surviving victims and those around the women he killed. Risico has spent the last 40 years enduring blame and the residual marks of her torture. Wilder seems to be a character who can con and also one whose personality can switch on a dime, whose eyes turn black like a shark's when he sees his next prey. A compelling true crime series, The Beauty Queen Killer will keep you glued to Risico and her fellow victims' retellings from start to finish. (three 40- to 49-min. episodes) Δ


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