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Activist and artist Favianna Rodriguez leads local poster workshop 

The Oceano Community Center will host a free climate justice poster-making workshop with acclaimed artist and social justice activist Favianna Rodriguez on Sunday, April 14, from noon to 3 p.m. The program is organized by the Electrification for Everyone initiative—a partnership between R.A.C.E. Matters SLO County, Diversity Coalition SLO County, Central Coast Coalition for Undocumented Student Success, and BlocPower.

  • Photo Courtesy Of R.A.C.E. Matters SLO County

Attendees of the event can look forward to a complimentary lunch, raffle opportunities, a community drum circle, an eco-resource fair, and more. During the poster workshop, Rodriguez will guide participants in making climate justice posters to display in advance of this year's Earth Day.

To find out more about Rodriguez's art and activism work, visit The Oakland-based cultural strategist and interdisciplinary artist's work addresses migration, gender justice, climate change, racial equity, and sexual freedom, according to Rodriguez's website. She is the co-founder and president of The Center for Cultural Power, a national organization dedicated to "igniting change at the intersection of art, culture, and social justice."

Through visual art, writing, and other forms of expression, Rodriguez's work "serves as a record of her human experiences as a woman of color embracing joy, sexual pleasure, and personal transformation," the artist's website lists. Rodriguez is the recipient of the Robert Rauschenberg Artist as Activist Fellowship, the Atlantic Fellowship for Racial Equity, and the SOROS Equality Fellowship.

For more details about Rodriguez's upcoming poster-making event in Oceano, visit the worksop's Eventbrite page or Facebook page. The Oceano Community Center is located at 1425 19th St., Oceano. Δ


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